Monday, December 26, 2011

Tennessee Christmas - Amy Grant & Wexford Carol - Jeff Johnson

Tennessee Christmas – Amy Grant

What constitutes a Christmas classic? Whatever the criteria, “Tennessee Christmas” by Amy Grant makes the grade. I have no connection to the State, but I feel an instant bond with the song. The acoustic tones and the harmonizing make it warm and inviting. It exudes a goodness whose ultimate source is the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Wexford Carol – Jeff Johnson

“Wexford Carol” by Jeff Johnson is in a world all its own. I imagine the stark and rumbling sounds echoing between snow-covered hills. Trees like sentries stand silently as the notes soar above a landscape untouched by all but the Divine. It makes me think of eternity and one “whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days” (Micah 5:2 ESV).

It is the final track of Centerpoint: Poetry and Music for Christmas (1990). The short original intro serves as background for a poetry reading before transitioning into an instrumental folk song. On the Johnson produced Christmas sampler, Spirit of the Season (1994), you get the sounds without the poetry.

In this and other Christmas recordings Johnson manages to capture something of the beauty, wonder and mystery of the season. 

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