Wednesday, July 30, 2008

C2: Giving Movies a Second Look DVD Series

New DVD series for youth develops a biblical worldview for evaluating movies

C2: Giving Movies a Second Look DVD Series
Producers: Michael W. Smith, Seabourne Pictures & Randall House (
Length: 20-minute original films with bonus materials that include study guides

C2: Giving Movies a Second Look is a new small group study series on DVD. The purpose of the series is to equip young people to apply a biblical worldview to their entertainment choices.

The DVD includes an introduction by Michael W. Smith that you can view at "What is C2". He describes the content as a "movie-going experience in a bite-sized film." Each DVD contains a twenty-minute original film with bonus features including a leader’s guide that can be used for up to three lessons.

The films are ideal for a youth group. C2: Love at First Sight [Volume One] deals with romantic and true love, judging others and accepting different opinions. You can view the trailer here: Love at First Sight. C2: Relapse [Volume Two] is about addiction, grief and bioethics. You can view the trailer here: Relapse. The quality is comparable to films produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. They are well-made but not on the same level as what comes out of Hollywood.

Love at First Sight is light and funny, while Relapse makes its points through a serious drama. The latter is visually striking. Both films are entertaining enough to hold a young person’s attention. They open the door for the discussions prompted by the study guides.

The study guides are easy-to-use, well-written and provide an abundance of material and depth. They are designed to provide a filter which young people can use to evaluate movies.

This series would work well for a weeknight church or home group meeting.

Ryan Smith, Mark Cowart and Michael W. Smith founded Seabourne Pictures in 2005.

It would be helpful if this partnership or some Christian film critics designed a similar DVD series for an older age group. People of all ages need to develop a biblical worldview in evaluating the arts.

This is a good start and a helpful tool in learning to evaluate what one sees.

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