Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A beautiful wedding song that acknowledges God

In the Name of the Father: A Wedding Song (Accompaniment CD)
Artist: Jim Cosgrove
Distributor: Pray Twice ( 5 tracks/17:50 minutes

What would a wedding be without music? You would still have a ceremony, but it might not be as satisfying. Music adds beauty, tenderizes hearts and appeals to our most noble desires. It’s conducive to worship. A wedding song can be an integral part of the service.

"In the Name of the Father" may be one of the few wedding songs to make mention of the three persons in the Trinity. It’s a reverent song of commitment that expresses the love of two people and acknowledges the role of God in a relationship.

The style is adult contemporary. Lisa Bevill ( is the artist on the female vocal track. The composer, Jim Cosgrove, sings on the male vocal track. There are three accompaniment tracks in the keys of C, F and D. The lyrics are included with the CD, and sheet music is available at You can listen to sound clips at

This is a beautiful performance of a well-written song. It’s worth checking out, if you are preparing for a wedding. The complete text follows this review.


I can’t believe it’s happening to me
You’re standing by my side
The Lord of Love has brought you here to me
Forever you and I will abide
And forever I will have and hold you near me
We’re one in Him today

I love you in the name of the Father
I love you in the name of the Son
I love you in the name of the Spirit
The Spirit of the Lord who truly makes us one

And as we watch the years go rolling by
The Lord will be our guide
Together when we laugh and when we cry
As long as you and I are alive
And forever I will have and hold you near me
And forever I will stay
And as we watch the years go rolling by
We’ll thank Him for this day

I love you in the name of the Father
I love you in the name of the Son
I love you in the name of the Spirit
The Spirit of the Lord who truly makes us one
I love you in the name of the Father


banjopoppie said...

Hey Micheal
I have to sing this song at a wedding next month. Do you know the Chord structure? Thanks

Unknown said...

hi, my friend is getting married and this is definetly the song to sing for her wedding, however this cd is not availale in our country and i do no want o purchase over the internet for safety reasons. So far this song is so hard to find as a download

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