An honest look at life and one of the best recordings of the past
The Ache
Brandon Heath
Length: 11 songs/36
Label: Centricity
I feel the gravity on “The Ache,” the track that opens Brandon Heath’s album by the same name. He describes the aftermath of his dad leaving the family:
I didn’t build this house, but I carry the weight
Between the memories and the mistakes
I can’t tell if it’s hurt or healing
But I’m feeling the ache
I see myself in the lines, carrying the weight between my memories and mistakes. The swelling chorus makes the song majestic. The transparency is moving.
Someone might think it a hard listen but the next two tracks are full of energy and whimsy. “He Does” playfully imagines a multitude of desires that seem out of reach. Oh, wait, there is Someone who in Himself brings them near. I like the Elton John reference: “Holding us close like a tiny dancer.” God does all of that and more.
“Thank You Need You Love You” makes me think of Help Thanks Wow by Anne Lamott. Two people who write for a living encourage simplicity when words fail. The music is joyous.
As in Heath’s prior release grace once again shines through. Witness the summary at the end of “Gospel Truth.”
For Him, I wish I could be better
But He says that I’m enough
It’s done and there’s nothing I could do
Like Christian in The Pilgrim’s Progress it relieves us of our burden.
“Scars,” a standout, was written just four days after the shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville. It honors Matthew Sullivan, a friend and the school’s chaplain. Beautifully arresting, it offers hope and recognizes that life continues despite the scars. This and the title track alone make the album worth having. Thankfully, there is so much more to savor.
An electric guitar leads the R&B/gospel influence on “Highly Favored (feat. Ryan Ellis).” Heath and Ellis alternate and combine their voices on this upbeat tune.
“Can We Go Home Now” looks at uncertainty and tenderly appeals for relief. Heath increases the tempo and mood once again on “How to Apologize.” He rhapsodizes in quirky fashion about accomplishments but admits he is still learning when when it comes to apologizing.
Peter Pan comes to mind on “Neverland.” The enchanting music fits that story and this love song. It’s romantic without being cloying.
This is one of the best recordings of the past year. The blend of acoustic and electric, intricate production, strong songwriting and the balance between gravity and joy. This is Heath at his best.
If that isn’t impressive enough the songs are available as ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation videos for the deaf. You can find them on YouTube.